Tuesday 11 August 2009

AUG 10th

We're in the news today, oh boy. Lots of friends came to see me off and Ali and me did an interview for BBC Look East before they filmed me zooming off to Rome. And they recorded Ali playing mandolon and used it as a sound track as I disappeared over the horizon. The Sat Nav did exactly what it was supposed to do and took me to dover avoiding motorways. What a lot of villages there are in Kent. New buildings in the shape of oast houses seems to be all the rage. Rosie enjoyed the ferry (see pic!). And then the Sat Nav took me to Syd and Catriona's house about 100 miles south of Calais. The luggage on the panier is right in front of the headlight and it was getting dark. I didn't have much time to spare and I was running out of fuel. There are no garages. There is no traffic, and there do not appear to be any French people. Arrived at Ecoivres safe and sound. You won't find it on the map. It's too small. But Sat Nav knew where it was. Lovely supper.

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