Tuesday 18 August 2009

AUG 16th

I came downstairs to the reception and gently referred to the difficulty I had getting to sleep amongst a pride of young lions and lionesses. I found myself talking with someone who wanted to explain to me the nature of youngsters in a group when I was hoping she might have had more of a moment for an old man who would like some peace and quiet at 2am so I raised the stakes a little and referred to Dante's Inferno which at least was an occasion for some mirth and the offer of a room in the annexe where there were no other guests and I would enjoy complete silence. I suspect there is an inner ring of Dante's Inferno where there is complete silence - a horrifying prospect for an Italian. Why do you think Italians drink cappucino? Because it is the loudest coffee you can get! And if rifles were silent no Italian would go hunting!
So I spent the first hour of the day moving myself and my luggage away from the cheerful noise and into the mausoleum of an annexe which promised the silence of the grave. And the rest of the day? Well I didn't go anywhere and I didn't do anything. I just sat in the sun and read a detective novel. I put suncream everywhere else but not on my head which got burnt. Ho hum! The detective novel was French and delightfully philosohical but the plot creaked louder than a ghost story! I've read it now and don't need it in my luggage any more so I'll send it to the first person who sends me an e-mail with their name and address. It's about a serial killer who goes around spearing people with a trident.
I never went anywhere near Rosie's saddle. We're having a very grown up relationship and decided to have a day apart. And before I knew it, all of a sudden it was supper time. I should have told you earlier how much I love it here instead if moaning about the noisy children. Well, the food is good too. There is no menu. You just get what they're cooking. And tonight it's pasta in tomato sauce followed by roast chicken with paesano sausages and saute potatoes. What a great way to finish a sunny day off. And tomorrow it's only a three hour drive to Rome. Ciao!

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