Wednesday 26 August 2009

AUG 24th

I would like a haircut. There are three barbers in Manciano - there's a barber- for- a- long- time, a barber-for-short-time,and a barber in-between. That's where I went some years ago and found myself in the hands of a man who only knew two words of English - 'David Beckham.' I came out shaven with a razored streak of lightning on each temple. I want to go back. A 'David Beckham' today would be less severe. But I'm having trouble with Italian doors. There was the little door to Beatrice's terrace in Rome and now the door to the terrace in Manciano. I am too tall for little doors!. And my head's a bit the worse for wear. It would be more of a bloody haircut than a David Beckham! All I did today was get up, eat breakfast, read, cook supper, and go to bed. Here's a picture of my breakfast.


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